Interview with Three Peaks Naturals!
Posted by Emily Harris on
We're always on the hunt for retired climbing rope to recycle and repurpose into dog leads for new adventures. So when Jamie from Three Peaks Naturals got in touch to say he had some rope he not longer needed we couldn't resist.
We sat down (virtually) with Jamie to get an insight into the climbs the rope has had before, why he recycled his rope, where his passion for climbing begun, why climbing rope makes the best dog leads, his dog Bracken and much more...
Hey Jamie... Introduce yourself!
I’m Jamie and together with my wife Sam and our dog Bracken we run Three Peaks Naturals.
So, you're the owner of Three Peaks Naturals, tell us more about it, how and why you started it and the ethos behind the business.
Three Peaks Naturals was started because we wanted to pursue a dream of enjoying our jobs and working with something we love and are passionate about. We love dogs and being outside exploring so we started our business to supply high quality natural treats to other dog owners whilst also trying to encourage them to be outside and go on adventures with your dog, not forgetting to take them a tasty treat too.
How long have you been climbing for and where did your passion for climbing begin?
I’ve always been sporty and loved being outside so when my friend asked me to go climbing 9 years ago I went along and got the bug for it straight away. The climbing community is full of amazing kind people who all have a passion for the great outdoors.
Where is your favourite place to go climbing and why?
I don’t climb anywhere near as much as I used to due to injury’s but when I did I didn’t have any favourite spots I much preferred discovering new places all the time. I’m very lucky to live on the doorstep of The Peak District which along with Sheffield has some of the best indoor and outdoor climbing in the UK. That is where my rope has been used.
What locations are on your climbing list for 2023?
I tend to do more bouldering now which is a style of climbing which doesn’t require a rope so for me it’s more a case of improving and trying to climb higher graded climbs than to visit anywhere specifically.
We’ve repurposed your retired climbing rope into the Lawrencefield dog lead, tell us about some of the adventures you’ve had with this rope.
The rope has been all over the Peak District with me climbing from my very first outdoor climb which was at Lawrencefield in cold muggy weather to scorching hot sun at Stanage Edge. The great thing about a climbing rope is depending on the type of climbing you’re doing you are usually tied to one end and you have a friend on the other who you have your trust in for safety reasons. So the rope holds not only memories of climbs but great times had with friends too.
We asked if you’d like to name the lead after one of your climbs. Why did you choose this name and what does it mean to you?
Lawrencefield just felt like the right name because it was where I completed my first few climbs with the rope. It’s a great place with lots of climbs and whenever I go walking there I can look up at the rocks and remember the climbs I’ve done. The fear of looking up at the first climb, the nervous excitement just as you start, the fast heartbeat as your ¾ of the way up and your arms and grip are feeling fatigued. It’s such a good sport and your rope is part of you for every second of it.
Why did you reach out to us at Wildbarc to recycle your rope?
I found Wildbarc through Instagram and was drawn in by the photos. They just screamed outdoor, adventure, nature. Everything our own business wants to portray too and then I saw that some of your leads were made out of recycled climbing ropes which I thought was a very cool idea. I knew I didn’t use mine much anymore and I hate the idea of waste so I thought it would be amazing to ask if you would want it to make leads with.
Why do you think that retired climbing rope is the perfect material to be repurposed for dog leads?
Climbing rope is obviously made to withstand heavy loads and catch climbers when they fall, to rub against rocks but also be easy to handle when feeding it through your hands etc so it’s very durable and strong whilst comfortable to hold. To think people have an item that was used for climbing and remade into something which is to keep their dog safe and will be used everyday but they can also know the history of it is such a cool thought.
How important to you is sustainability and protecting our planet?
At Three Peaks Naturals we are big on all of our packaging being recyclable and I hate to think where my climbing rope could have ended up if just thrown away. This is honestly the best case scenario possible for it, it should last people for years.
And of course we couldn't do a blog without talking about your adventures with the gorgeous Bracken…
Tell us a bit about Bracken, her personality and favourite things to do.
Bracken is a Fox Red Labrador and she’ll be 3 in June. She can be a nervous dog around other dogs or people but once she’s comfortable around them she is just a ball of energy. She loves water and her zoomies are really a sight to see.
Where are your favourite walks to go with Bracken @redfoxbracken?
We just love to explore new places. We must have covered almost the entire Peak District but we go on UK holidays to the Lake District and we have Wales, Scotland, Dartmoor and many others on our to do list. I suppose a favourite walk would be any that have a great view at some point along the way where you can sit and have a drink and snack.
Do you have any top tips for hiking with a dog?
Top tips for hiking with a dog would be, keep them on leads in places they should be, respect other peoples dogs and space and just have fun. Take lots of pictures and make great memories.
Must have walking gear for both you and Bracken?
For us it’s a towel in the boot because Bracken will normally have found some water to go jumping in. Apart from that the essentials for us are a drink for us and Bracken which means we need a portable water bowl and also a snack for wherever the best view is on the walk so usually a sandwich for us and of course a Three Peaks Naturals treat for Bracken.
A huge thank you to Jamie for giving us an insight into his climbs and the story behind our brand new recycled rope... Lawrencefield and for sharing some of the incredible photos of his climbs.
Head over to to check Three Peaks Naturals out and don't forget to give them a follow on IG @threepeaksnaturals
And last but not least check out Lawrencefield, the lead this blog is all about here